Data Protection

Security in the Age of Digitalization

Taking Responsibility for Personal Data

Data protection protects personal data from improper processing and ensures the right of informational self-determination. According to the GDPR, which applies throughout the EU, this includes all information relating to the identifiable natural person. In the age of digital transformation and a globalizing economy, the protection of this data is becoming increasingly important. Not least because violations result in financial penalties, but also because a violation usually entails a loss of trust and damage to image. Systematic implementation of data protection is essential for a confident presence and compliant operation.

Why Data Protection?

Using Digitization and Technology Securely.


Greater trust among customers & employees

Lower risk of fines & additional costs

Meet stakeholder requirements

Showing digital responsibility

You're looking for the right contact in the area of Data Protection?

Our Business Operations team is happy to help!

Timo Schusser

President & CEO

Christian Feldmann, LL.M.

Legal & Compliance Counsel

Dr. Anna-Kathrin Mauch

Attorney at Law


Our Data Protection Services

valvisio looks at your company (in data protection consulting) within a 360° model and analyzes your operational processes. Our experts ensure that you meet all requirements and guidelines of the GDPR and are data protection compliant. You not only benefit from our expertise and many years of experience, but also save yourself additional costs later on through smooth implementation.


Specialist Services for Data Protection

Data Protection Audit

valvisio reliably checks and documents your current data protection measures and processes for regulatory compliance.

Data Protection Impact Assessment

Our combination of legal and technical expertise makes us an ideal partner to conduct a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) and provide a sound risk assessment.

Data Protection Officer

valvisio provides you with a personal data protection officer (DPO) to assist you in all data protection-related matters.

EU-GDPR outside the EU

The GDPR applies to all companies that process personal data of EU citizens and regulates the handling of personal data on a national and international level.

Contact us for a free first consultation

Phone: 089 / 44 44 35 60 – 0   or   Mail:

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