Data Protection Audit

Ensuring Compliance with Data Protection

The valvisio team analyzes your data protection measures and processes and provides you with certainty as to whether legal compliance is currently ensured. Regular audits are especially important when the company is growing and new processes are introduced.

We accompany you

… in conducting an individual data protection audit and support you where additional measures are needed.

Why Conduct a Data Protection Audit?

Digital change is fast-moving. Advancing technologies regularly bring new challenges in data protection. Companies face the challenge of regularly monitoring their operational processes and adapting them to current conditions.

In order to review the company’s internal processes, it is essential to implement an appropriate data protection audit. The company’s measures in terms of the GDPR are analyzed and brought up to date. This allows companies to ensure their own compliance with the regulations and provide for a confident appearance.

Value-Added to Your Business


Our Services

Corresponding technical solutions are implemented together with our technology partners.

What We Offer

You're looking for the right contact in the area of Data Protection Audit?

Our Business Operations team is happy to help!

Timo Schusser

President & CEO

©271079728 -
See also

Compliance Audit

With a compliance audit, you can check the conformity of your processes and minimize the risk of violations.

Take a look at this special service.

Contact us for a free first consultation

Phone: 089 / 44 44 35 60 – 0   or   Mail:

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